
Building an open air fire is a crucial setting up camp expertise that gives warmth, light, and a method for preparing food.


Whether you’re an accomplished camper or a fledgling, knowing how to construct a protected and powerful pit fire is fundamental. This bit-by-bit guide will walk you through the most common way of building an open-air fire, from social event materials to securely quenching the flares. Learn more details about overnatting kristiansand.

Assigned Fire Ring

In the event that you're at a camping area with an assigned fire ring, use it. Fire rings are intended to contain the fire and diminish its gamble spreading.

Safe Distance

Ensure your fire site is no less than 15 feet from tents, trees, bushes, and some other combustible articles. Abstain from building fires under low-hanging branches or close to dry grass.


Pick a level, level region to construct your fire. This keeps logs or ashes from rolling endlessly and spreading the fire.


This will assist with controlling the fire and hold smoke back from blowing into your campground .


To fabricate a fruitful open air fire, you'll require three sorts of materials: kindling, encouraging, and fuelwood.


If conceivable, position your fire site in a space shielded from the breeze.


Kindling is the littlest and generally burnable material. It’s utilized to light the fire and incorporates things like dry leaves, pine needles, little twigs, bark shavings, paper, or cotton balls. Ensure your kindling is dry, as wet kindling is challenging to light. Find out more information about hytte kristiansand.

Fuelwood is the biggest sort of wood utilized in the fire. These logs or enormous branches keep the fire consuming for quite a while. Pick pieces that are about the thickness of your wrist or bigger, and ensure they’re dry.

Fuel comprises

Fuel comprises little sticks and branches, ordinarily between 1/4 to 1 inch in distance across. Encouraging bursts into flames from the kindling and assists the flares with developing. On the off chance that there’s no assigned fire ring, dig a little pit around 4-6 inches down and 2 feet wide. Encompass the pit with rocks to make a hindrance and assist with containing the fire. On the off chance that the ground is sodden, lay a base of dry leaves, little sticks, or bark at the lower part of your fire pit. This will assist with keeping your kindling dry and make it more straightforward to light.  Eliminate any leaves, pine needles, or other trash from the beginning your fire site. Clear a circle around 10 feet in measurement to guarantee the fire doesn’t spread. Get more details about camping sørlandet.


Spot two little logs or thick sticks lined up with one another on one or the other side of the kindling. Then, at that point, put two additional logs opposite on top of the principal pair to shape a square. Once the fuel is set up, add bigger logs to the highest point of the construction. The open place permits the fire to be constructed step by step and uniformly.  Add extra layers of fuel, proceeding to develop the square construction like a log lodge. Each layer ought to be more modest than the one underneath it. The shelter structure is helpful in breezy circumstances or while involving an enormous log as a windbreak. Once the fuel is consuming great, add bigger logs, resting them up against the log or rock in a similar course.


Rest little sticks of fuel up against the log, over the kindling, making a shielded region. Keep adding layers of fuel, resting them up against the log. Allowed the fire steadily to develop. Try not to rush by adding huge logs excessively fast, as this can cover the blazes.